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'Oculi' was developed in collaboration with choreographer Wun Sze Chan. Following her rehearsal process through the lens of the camera, I created a series of short films that were originally intended to be shown as backdrop projections on the tanzhaus nrw stage. These short films eventually evolved into a single film reflecting our artistic visions as one of the three sections of Chan's choreography 'Oculi - Nuit d'étoiles'.

"Beneath the bright night

what could remain,

when all had gone by…“

Oculi - Nuit d’étoiles

in collaboration with Wun Sze Chan

Concept & Choreography

Wun Sze Chan

Concept & Video

Virginia Segarra Vidal


Claude Debussy - Nuit d’étoiles


Mariana Dias, Norma Magalhães, Clara Nougué-Cazenave, Rose Nougué-Cazenave, Marié Shimada, Courtney Skalnik

a collaboration between Ballett am Rhein & tanzhaus nrw

Festival tanz nrw 21 - Düsseldorf, May 2021

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